Sunday, 27 January 2013

The Indonesia's Preliminary antisalmonella thypii Research Book

This book you can get it from or by order it directly to me so i can ask the publisher VDM Verlag saarbrucken to sent a single copy to you...

Not many i want to say in this book;just as reference to those scientist who need a publication about new methode in science to observe an active compound as bioassay phytopharmaca methode.
This methode also useful to scientist who has only a simple lab, a few solvents on the university in the east of indonesia.
But there's also a sad story while doing this research grant in ITB bandung 2002-2004 that it has taken some victims already and unfortunatelly the suspicious still feel free to do their hussle again. Take care.

Tiurma PT Simanjuntak,Msi english book or

 wisuda oktober 2004 without hussle from batak bitchy and terrorism because i have reported them to the police near katedral bandung...

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Makanan jajanan khas Indonesia timur

Contoh-contoh makanan kecil
Makanan kecil penduduk indonesia timur

1. Jenis makanan :     jajan palemeng
2. Asal bahan mentah : beras ketan
3. Bumbu/bahan/alat pengolahan : garam dan santan.Alatnya : daun pisang,periuk  atau panci dan tungku
4. Cara pengolahan : beras ketan direndam kemudian di tiriskan airnya.Setelah itu dibuatkan pembungkusnya dari daun pisang berbentuk bumbung yang salah satunya diberi pincuk baru diisikan berasnya dengan p erbandingan ¾ beras dan ¼ santan.Kemudian  barun ujungjungnya yang satu ditutup  dan dipincuk pula agar tidak bocor/terlepas,dan direbus sampai matang.
5. Fungsi dan cara penyajian: sebagai makanan selingan atau kadang-kadang untuk suguhan tamu. Disajikan dalam piring.
6. Cara makan/pengkonsumsian nya: pelemeng dimakan biasanya bersama-sama dengan minuman teh atau kopi
7. Daerah/masyarakat asal :  bagian timur indonesia
8. Lapisan sosial :  masyarakat bawah,miskin, petani
9.desa/kota ; semua indonesia timur

Makanan kecil penduduk indonesia timur (NTT)
1.       Jenis makanan:   jajan tempani
2.       Asal bahan mentah : beras ketan atau kacang hijau
3.       Bumbu/ bahan/alat pengolahan : gula dan garam,kuali,lumpang, ayak baskom dan cetakan tempani
4.       Cara pengolahan : beras ketan atau kacang hijau digoreng sangan memakai kuali dari tanah,lalu ditumbuk dan diayak halus,kemudian dicampur aduk menjadi tepung antara tepung, gula dan garamnya dalam baskom besar. Setelah itu barulah dicetak tempaninya menurut selera pada gambar yang ada dalam cetakan.
5.       Fungsi dan cara penyajiannya: sebagai  suguhan tamu biasanya pada saat baru habis berlebaran.
6.       Cara makan/konsumsinya : disuguhkan dengan memakai piring bersama-sama dengan teh atau kopi.
7.       Daerah masyarakat lokal: semua
8.       Lapisan sosial : bawahan,petani
9.       Desa/kota :    semua daerah timur

 Gimana makanan jajanan masyarakat bagian barat??

Monday, 21 January 2013



A primer on simple and complex carbohydrate and glycolipid structure,
                        nomenclature, and function
                 (I DONT KNOW)
This Get Up To Speed (GUTS) session covers some very basic concepts of carbohydrates and glycolipids – their structure, nomenclature, properties, and general functions.  Lipid structure and nomenclature were covered in an earlier GUTS session, but glycolipid structures and nomenclature are described in more detail in this session. 
Begin by taking the self-assessment exam starting on the next page.  If you get most all of them right, you’ll most likely do fine with the related material in your Molecules to Cells block.  If you miss several questions, or if you’d just like to know more about the subjects (never a bad idea), do one or all of the following:
a)  read the materials outlined on the pages that follow and retake the exam. 
b)  look at and listen to the taped GUTS lecture, then retake the exam
c)  read any suitable textbook of biochemistry and retake the exam.
There is no required textbook for the “Molecules to Cells” block of instruction.  However, if you’re looking for an inexpensive optional companion to the biochemistry portions of Molecules to Cells, you might consider “Lippincott’s Illustrated Review: Biochemistry,” 3rd ed, by Champe, Harvey, and Ferrier.  It has a condensed text, nice figures and diagrams, and isn’t very thick or heavy. 
There are a number of good rather detailed textbooks on biochemistry, NOT worth buying if you don’t already own a copy.  These include, but are not limited to:
Biochemistry (Berg, Tymoczko, & Stryer), 6th ed, 2007
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (Nelson & Cox), 4th ed, 2005
Fundamentals of Biochemistry (Voet, Voet, & Pratt), 2001
Biochemistry (Garrett & Grisham), 3rd ed, 2005
Contact Information:
Arrel Toews
420 ME Jones Building

1.  In carbohydrates, the average C-atom is at the oxidation level of a(n):
a)  saturated hydrocarbon chain
b)  alcohol
c)  aldehyde or ketone
d)  carboxylic acid
e)  carbon dioxide
2.  An alcohol is more / less reduced than a carboxylic acid, while carbon dioxide is
more / less oxidized than a saturated hydrocarbon chain. 
Match the best answer below to each of the following five statements.  You may use each answer more than once.
a)  glucose                         3.  5-C sugar that is a component of RNA
b)  sucrose
c)  starch                          4.  fruit sugar; disaccharide consisting of glucose and fructose
d)  glycogen
e)  cellulose                       5.  storage form of glucose in plants
f)  fructose
g)  lactose                         6.  milk sugar; disaccharide made of glucose and galactose
h)  ribose
i)  hyaluronic acid              7.  monosaccharide at the center of energy metabolism
8.  Med students and other mammals store glucose as:
a)  amylose
b)  amylopectin
c)  starch
d)  glycogen
e)  cellulose
9.  Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are:
a)  glycoproteins
b)  nucleic acids
c)  long, linear charged polysaccharides with disaccharide repeat units
d)  branched-chain polymers of glucose and galactose
e)  principal components of chitinous exoskeletons of grasshoppers and blue crabs

10.  Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are involved in:
a)  compaction of DNA into nucleosomes
b)  energy storage in liver and adipose tissue
c)  formation of extracellular matrix, mucus, and synovial fluid in joints
d)  signal transduction pathways
e)  transfer of fatty acids into mitochondria for oxidation
11.  Which of the following is common to all sphingolipids?
a)  ceramide (sphingosine + fatty acid)
b)  glycerol
c)  phosphate group
d)  sterol nucleus
e)  oligosaccharide chains
12.  Like phospholipids, sphingolipids are amphipathic molecules present in cell membranes.  This statement is:
Match the sphingolipid below to the statement that best describes it.  You may use each answer more than once.
a)  sphingosine                            13.  major component of the myelin sheath
b)  cerebroside
c)  gangliosides                           14.  preferentially localized in neuronal cell membranes
d)  globosides
e)  sphingomyelin                         15.  a sphingolipid that’s also a phospholipid
f)  ceramide

Carbohydrates are the most abundant organic molecules on the earth.  They have the general empirical formula (CH2O)n, and so are chemically “hydrates of carbon” – hence their name.  The average C atom of carbohydrates is at the alcohol (R-OH) level of oxidation, relatively reduced and relatively energy-rich.  Fats, by the way, are even more reduced (and more energy-rich, basically at the level of a saturated hydrocarbon chain).  Carbon dioxide, CO2 (O=C=O) is as oxidized (and as energy-poor) as C atoms get.
Functions of carbohydrates include serving as energy sources (dietary carbohydrates) and as energy stores (glycogen in liver and muscle; starches in plants).  As part of glycoproteins and glycolipids, they serve as cell membrane components that are involved in cell-cell interactions and various forms of intercellular communication.  As part of mucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycans, they are also important components of the extracellular matrix.  Although not in med students or other mammals, carbohydrates also serve as structural components – cellulose in plants, cell walls of bacteria, and the chitinous exoskeleton of crustaceans and insects. 
Sugars (carbohydrates) are chemically polyalcohols (several – OH groups) that also contain a carbonyl (C=O) group; the latter is either an aldehyde or ketone.  The simplest aldose is glyceraldehyde and the simplest ketose is dihydroxyacetone (see figure).  Phosphorylated derivatives of these two molecules are important intermediates in glycolysis, which lies at the heart of energy metabolism. 
Glucose is perhaps the most common simple sugar – it has 6 carbons (hexose) and is an aldose.  The structure is shown on the next page.  Hexoses (and pentoses like ribose) like to form rings in solution, and they are usually shown in this manner.  We even get tired of drawing correct rings, and so have developed a short-hand method for depicting the various sugars.  Look over the diagrams below and be sure you understand the basic structure of glucose (when the ring closes, the C1 –OH can either be below (a-configuration) or above (b-configuration) the plane of the ring – there is rapid equilibrium between these two forms and the open chain form.  There are also several isomers of glucose (same chemical formula, different molecular configuration) that are common in metabolism, galactose and mannose being the most prominent.  They differ from glucose in having some of their –OH groups on the other side of the C-C chain (or up/down in the ring structures). 

The configuration of –OH groups above or below the plane of the sugar rings may seem like a minor thing, but in their configuration lies great specificity with respect to carbohydrate chains on membrane glycolipids and glycoproteins, and these chains form the basis for cell-cell recognition and other complex cell-cell interactions.  All of the antigenic determinants (self vs non-self – lots more about this in Block 4 - Immunology) are specific complex carbohydrate moieties as well. 
Fructose is another important sugar – it is a ketose and also likes to form a ring in solution. 
Ribose and its derivative, 2-deoxyribose, are components of nucleotides that are the building blocks for RNA (ribose is the R in RNA) and DNA (deoxyribose is the D in DNA).  Ribonucleotides are also big players in cellular metabolism (ATP = energy carrier; GTP = G-protein signaling; UTP = complex carbohydrate synthesis; CTP = complex lipid synthesis). 

There are also derivatives of simple sugars and some examples are shown in the diagrams below.  You don’t need to know the structures of these molecules, but note that their modifications can have important consequences in terms of their biological functions.  For example, acidic sugars carry (-) charges at physiological pH, so polymers of these sugars repel each other; amino sugars like glucosamine have a (+) charge, but their acetylated derivatives (e.g., N-acetylglucosamine) do not.
Simple sugars are often linked together by glycosidic links – a dehydration or condensation reaction.  Hydrolysis (addition of water across a bond) of glycosidic links regenerates the sugar monomers.  Simple sugars are called monosaccharides, two joined sugars are disaccharides, several joined sugars (3-20 or so) are oligosaccharides, and sugar polymers (dozens to thousands of monomers) are called polysaccharides. 
Maltose (malted grains; 2 glucose monomers), sucrose (fruit sugar; glucose and fructose) and lactose (milk sugar; glucose and galactose) are good examples of disaccharides.  
Remember that the ring structures of sugars are constantly opening and closing, with the –OH of C1 being either below or above the plane of the ring (a or b configurations, respectively).  However, when C1 of a sugar participates in a glycosidic link, the configuration is locked into either the (a or b configuration.  This has important implications for overall structure/function and enzyme specificity (read on). 

Polysaccharides:  Glucose polymers are important carbohydrate storage forms in plants (starches) and animals (glycogen in liver and muscle).  Starch is composed of amylose (long linear chains of glucose in a1®4 links) and amylopectin (long linear chains of glucose in a1®4 links with a1®6 links at the branch points).  Glycogen has a branched-chain structure similar to amylopectin, and each glycogen molecule can have over 500,000 glucose units.  Cellulose has a structure similar to amylose, except it has b1®4 links instead of a1®4 links.  The long strands of b1®4 links tend to form sheets of high tensile strength and provide structure for plants.  We (enzymes in our gut) can easily digest the a1®4 links between glucose monomers in plant starches and glycogen, but don’t have enzymes to digest the b1®4 links in cellulose.  Bacteria that live in the stomachs of ruminants (sheep, cows, giraffes) and protozoa that live inside termites can though, allowing those creatures to happily exist on hay and straw, and on houses and rain forests, respectively. 
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs):  Not all sugar polymers are made exclusively of glucose.  Glycosaminoglycans (sometimes called mucopolysaccharides) are long unbranched heteropolysaccharide chains, usually composed of a repeating disaccharide unit consisting of an acidic sugar
(- charge) and an amino sugar (but with the amino group acetylated, so no + charge).  Many are sulfated, so they have even more negative charges.  All those negative charges repel each other, so the chains are extended and “slippery.”  GAGs make up the extracellular matrix, especially important in connective tissues like cartilage, tendon, skin, and blood vessels.  They are also important components of mucus (lubrication) and synovial fluid of joints and the vitreous humor of the eye (shock-absorbers).  Examples include hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfates, heparan sulfate and
heparin.  Unlike other GAGs, which have extracellular structural functions, heparin functions as an anticoagulant.  Proteoglycans are proteins with lots of GAG chains attached to them.  They, in turn, are usually complexed with a long hyaluronic acid chain, itself a GAG, to form proteoglycan aggregates.  We will cover these in more detail in the Glycoproteins, Proteoglycans, and Glycolipids lecture on Aug 20. 
There are a number of clinically significant hereditary disorders of glycosaminoglycan metabolism, generally classified as mucopolysaccharidoses.  There is accumulation of undegraded GAGS in various tissues, resulting in skeletal and other structural deformities as well as mental retardation.  The underlying metabolic deficit is usually incomplete GAG degradation in lysosomes. 
Finally, a little on sphingolipid structure and nomenclature.  This section is relevant to the upcoming Glycoproteins, Proteoglycans, and Glycolipids lecture on Aug. 20, and to the Case Conference on Aug. 23.  Most (but not all) glycolipids are sphingolipids (and thus glycosphingolipids), but there are also some sphingolipids that are not glycosphingolipids.  The following section is intended to try to make some sense out of the above admittedly confusing situation (which is not my fault, by the way). 
The basic structure of sphingolipids is shown in the figure below (review the Lipids GUTS material if you need).  Like phospholipids, sphingolipids are amphipathic (both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties) and they are important components of cell membranes, particularly in the nervous system.  Sphingolipids consist of the long chain amino alcohol sphingosine, which usually has a long-chain fatty acid linked by an amide bond.  The sphingosine-fatty acid moiety is called ceramide.  Various groups (usually but not always 1 or more sugars) are attached to the –OH of ceramide – as shown in the figure on the next page. 
Sphingomyelin has a phosphoryl-choline group attached to ceramide; it is thus both a sphingolipid and a phospholipid (but not a glycerophospholipid like PC, and also not a glycosphingolipid).  Ceramide and sphingosine derived from sphingomyelin catabolism play roles in intracellular signaling. 
Cerebroside is galactose-ceramide, and its sulfated derivative is called sulfatide – both are important myelin lipids. 
Glucosyl-ceramide is the precursor for other more complex glycosphingolipids, including the globosides and gangliosides.  Gangliosides are especially prominent in neuronal membranes.  Both gangliosides and globosides have a number of sugar residues attached. 
Glycosphingolipids are localized in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane of all cells, where they help regulate cell-cell interactions, growth, and development.  The carbohydrate chains of glycosphingo-lipids are antigenic (e.g., ABO blood group antigens).  They also serve as cell-surface receptors for tetanus and cholera toxins (the latter interferes with G-protein signaling cascades – more on this soon in your upcoming hormone/signal transduction lectures). 
There are a number of inborn errors of sphingolipid metabolism, generally called sphingolipidoses  - although individually rare, they are collectively a clinical concern in pediatrics.  That’s one reason it’s good to have a general understanding of their structure, nomenclature, and functions. 
1.  b                                          9.  c
2.  more, more                           10.  c
3.  h                                         11.  a
4.  b                                         12.  True
5.  c                                          13.  b
6.  g                                         14.  c
7.  a                                          15.  e
8.  d